Are False Imprisonment and Kidnapping the Same?

False Imprisonment Kidnapping Defense Attorney

The courts often see false imprisonment as kidnapping, which, if convicted, can have devastating results on the life of the one convicted as well as their family and others close to them. Criminal defense attorneys understand the depth of damage a conviction can mean for someone accused of false imprisonment or kidnapping and fight for those facing these charges.

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How Does Bail in California Work?

person behind bars

In California, trying to figure out bail after arrest and booking is an incredibly stressful time. It is strongly recommended in these circumstances to seek professional legal counsel.

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What Californians Need to Know About Hit and Run Charges

hit and run in california

What Californians Need to Know About Hit and Run Charges Less Known Facts About Hit and Run Crimes It is not widely known that even if you do not cause an accident, you may be face charges for a hit and run in some circumstances. Suppose another driver hits your car, and you leave without…

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