Stalking is A Punishable Crime in San Diego County

In San Diego County, stalking is a punishable crime. Although the word is overused in texts and conversations, when facing charges for stalking, a conviction can be devastating. If you or someone you love is facing charges for stalking, contact a reputable criminal defense attorney right away for a free case review and get much needed peace of mind.

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Top Reasons You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney in San Diego

If you or someone you know and care for has been arrested and is facing criminal charges, you likely feel overwhelmed and do not know what steps to take next. This is when having someone with experience helps bring clarity to the entire situation making it more manageable and easier to navigate. There are several reasons to seek the expertise of a private defense attorney in these sensitive situations because it may be the difference between fines and a prison sentence.

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Changes in California’s Bail System

In the spring of 2020, as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the California courts introduced zero-bail to keep jail populations manageable. As of May 2022, the zero-bail system was discontinued. Although the bail system still looks mostly like it always has, temporary laws that help California in times of crisis should be an encouragement to those facing charges for crimes in San Diego and needing to make bail.

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Facts Everyone Should Know About Fighting DUI Charges in San Diego

It is illegal in California, as in other states, to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI). DUI charges are dealt with harshly by the courts. Driving while under the influence is one of the priciest misdemeanor crimes you can be charged with in San Diego. A DUI can have life-altering consequences for the accused, but there are a few facts about DUIs that everyone should know if they, or someone they care for, are facing DUI charges.

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Excellent Criminal Defense Attorneys Fight Gang-Related Charges in San Diego

It is well known that Southern California has some of the nation’s most dangerous street gang rivalries. Numerous gang-related arrests occur every week in San Diego County alone, and anyone facing these charges should take them seriously and immediately contact a professional defense lawyer. Excellent attorneys are experts at gathering evidence, listening to details, and developing the most robust defense for clients facing gang-related charges.

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What Police Look for to Identify Drunk Drivers

The holidays are upon us, and with parties and celebrations back-to-back, police are out in force to keep the roads safe. San Diego County courts have an incredibly low tolerance for drunk driving. Many people who choose not to have private legal representation by their side regret it later when they receive convictions and harsh sentences. It is free to get a consultation call with a local defense lawyer.

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Hoarding Animals in California Has Legal Consequences

California has some of the strictest animal rights laws in the country. Although most people think the protected animals are domestic, it also includes wildlife, farm animals, and strays. Because people typically see animals as innocent and unable to defend themselves, the results can be devastating if an animal neglect case goes to trial. Animal hoarding and puppy breeders often find themselves facing animal related charges.

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Are Wrongful Convictions Worth Fighting with a Private Defense Attorney?

defense attorney fighting for client rights and freedoms in courtroom

Wrongful convictions happen, and innocent people end up behind bars. Although once convicted, it may seem too dire to continue fighting. It is always beneficial to seek an exceptional private criminal defense attorney. Since California and counties within the state can determine if re-opening a case is viable, a professional defense lawyer can help clients in counties where fighting a wrongful conviction is possible. Only an experienced professional can ensure the triumphant re-opening of a case and that every piece of evidence is re-examined and revisited to ensure that no information was falsified that led to the conviction.

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Two Theft-Related Crimes That Are Overwhelming Law Enforcement

Under the theft umbrella, larceny and extortion are also punishable crimes and more common than many realize. If you have been charged with larceny, extortion, or another theft-related crime, finding professional legal counsel immediately is the only sure way to get the best possible outcome for your case. California is tough on crime, and criminal charges that result in conviction are devastating.

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What’s the difference between a burglary and a robbery?

Many people mix up robbery and burglary as the same crimes, but some main differences will impact the case and penalties if convicted. Whether you are facing robbery or burglary charges, trying to fight them on your own will never achieve what a professional defense lawyer can. Hiring a private criminal defense attorney experienced in helping clients with robbery and burglary charges is essential to getting the best outcome.

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