Underage Drinking in California: What You Need to Know

minor drinking

It is illegal, in California, for those under 21 years of age to consume alcohol. If a minor is caught with alcohol or trying to purchase it, they may face criminal charges and need an expert defense attorney to help them. The state of California takes minor in possession charges seriously. Working with someone experienced is the only way to ensure the most favorable outcome, giving someone underage the highest chance of recovering from this scary experience.

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California’s Three Strikes Law

One of the most well-known sections of California law is the Three Strikes Law. The Three Strikes Law was designed to deter criminals from repeating crimes and keep California’s streets safer. Robust debates exist over its effectiveness, but Californians charged with crimes must consider the serious nature of having a strike on their record. Every strike in California should be fought against, and only a relentless criminal defense attorney will fight for clients to avoid this from happening.

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Excessive Force by Law Enforcement is Illegal in California

California has some of the nation’s strictest legislation regarding excessive force used by law enforcement. Although training in de-escalation and alternative non-violent force is not mandated throughout the state, Newsom’s efforts are shaping policy discussions around police violence. Defense attorneys recognize that although California is making strides in this area, police and other law enforcement may still be crossing the line when making arrests. If excessive force is used, it directly violates Assembly Bill 392: The California Act to Save Lives. Only an excellent criminal defense attorney can provide clients with a strong defense if this occurs.

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Expert Defense Attorney Helps Clients in San Diego County

san diego

It does not matter who you are, if it is your first time or your third, being arrested is incredibly distressing and traumatic. What typically happens is that the person arrested is so discombobulated they forget to contact a local criminal defense attorney immediately. A professional lawyer representing clients facing criminal charges is equipped to provide the highest-level representation available and hit the ground running. The best defense attorney will have years of experience winning cases relating to various crimes and getting clients favorable outcomes.

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California’s Hazing Laws Designed to Protect Pledging Students

Although pledging at a college fraternity or sorority is an exciting time for any college student, it is essential to know that in California, it is not “anything goes” during rush week. Some rush traditions go back centuries, but with student deaths and injuries happening, California holds those involved responsible for any illegal activities that take place during initiation. If you are facing hazing charges, please get in touch with a local criminal defense attorney for a free consultation. Only a professional attorney can help get the best outcome in hazing-related cases.

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Embezzlement Charges Require a Top-Notch Defense Attorney

Being accused of stealing from a company is devastating. Depending on the significance of the loss, the company may file criminal charges. An attorney specializing in embezzlement and other white-collar crimes is an excellent way to handle these charges. If you believe you are being accused of embezzlement, contact an experienced white-collar crime attorney to walk you through the process and ensure your protection.

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Child Pornography Charges in California

Being unexpectedly arrested is one of the most traumatic moments in a person’s life. Having police state the charges, read your rights, put you in handcuffs, and place you in a patrol car takes an emotional toll. Arrests made around child pornography are often unexpected, especially when the person being charged did not know the other party’s age. If you are facing charges for child pornography in San Diego County, finding a qualified criminal defense attorney with experience helping clients fight child pornography or online sexual offense charges is vital.

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Three Things to Know About Hate Crimes in California

Hate crimes in California are rising, and more people are being accused of these crimes as protected groups expand. According to the California legislature, hate crimes are crimes committed against someone due to their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. As political associations have become a platform for violence, we may see political parties as another protected group in the future. If you have been accused of a hate crime, seek legal counsel as soon as possible.

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Life-Changing Experiences Through Successful Criminal Case Outcomes

Successful Criminal Case Outcome Defense Attorney

Finding ways to have life-changing experiences without complete devastation is possible by hiring a private criminal defense attorney. If you or someone you love finds they would benefit from having a relentless and dedicated lawyer by their side, find a lawyer who can hear all the honest details of your case, who cares about the outcome, and who will fearlessly fight for the best result.

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Fourth of July Weekend Means Increased Law Enforcement Watching the Roads

Fourth of July Increased Law Enforcement Defense Attorney reckless driving

Today marks the beginning of a gorgeous three-day weekend for most as we celebrate the Fourth of July when Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. These long weekends naturally result in increased travelers on California roads. Increased traffic means increased law enforcement, so speeding and other driving and traffic violations may lead to tickets and arrests.

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